July 1, 2024 - Metzgerhund Retreat meets the Smashwords July Summer/Winter Sale

I'm psyched to participate in this year's Smashwords July Summer/Winter Sale! I'm offering up all ten of my Metzgerhund Retreat novellas for 99 cents each! Many of the stories in this series take place in July, so including them in this sale was a no-brainer. The sale will last the entirety of July, so check out the sale before all the other activities of the month distract you...which explains why I'm posting this NOW. Thanx in advance!

Check out the Metzgerhund Retreat selection at the Smashwords July Summer/Winter Sale!

April 27, 2024 - My New READINGS Channel!

I have added a new channel to my Steve's Storytime Sanctum YouTube site where I read select passages of stories that are currently on my bookshelf of published works. I have four entries already posted, and at least four others (probably more) in the works.

Check out my Storytime Sanctum's READINGS Channel.

March 17, 2024 - PUBLISHED! all TEN Metzgerhund Retreat novellas!

Due to a glitch of my own doing, I am just now publishing the rest of the Metzgerhund Retreat novellas.

Check out all ten on Smashwords.com.

March 10, 2024 - PUBLISHED! Metzgerhund Retreat verse four: Digitized!!

Yeah, I was a bit antsy and hyperexcited about publishing the first three Metzgerhund Retreat novellas yesterday, so I gave in to the adrenaline and published verse four: Digitized!

Digitized can be found on Smashwords.com.

March 9, 2024 - PUBLISHED! Metzgerhund Retreat series!

Well...at least the first three verses. The other seven verses are on the way, but definitely believe I've been looking forward to sharing these stories with everyone for a long time!

October 15, 2023 - Sign up to participate in NaNoWriMo!

Curious about writing a novel, but feel you might need some motivation? I've got your invitation! NaNoWriMo! I've participated in NaNoWriMo a few times in the past, and, as the video below will tell you, it make an impact with me. Sign up to participate at www.nanowrimo.org!